StrengthsFinder Services

Gallup Certified CliftonStrengths Coach

Having trained thousands of IT employees in my tenure as a “woman in Tech”, plus the diverse array of clients in my years of consulting, my CliftonStrengths knowledge is deep and my experience with it dates back to 2007. My first Strengths, or StrengthsFinder mentoring certification was in 2011 while working as a corporate trainer, later obtaining my Gallup’s Coach certification in 2015. My Intercultural experience allows me to use the tool in both English and Spanish, connecting and empowering multicultural teams and diverse individuals worldwide.

As a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, I purchase and distribute access codes as needed, administering and supporting clients in their process of taking the Strengths assessment or retrieving their original results. For more on CliftonStrengths, Gallup’s scientific research on excellence, follow this link here.

My Strengths courses are always customized and targeted to specific needs. Some clients look for basic introductory courses, yet others are more advanced in their Strengths journey, needing equally advanced courses to meet their learning goals. Coaching relationships last a number weeks depending on client’s goals with the purpose of going deep into your Strengths aiming them to specific goals. Group coaching is available for up to 3 participants only; 4 or more participants require a course prior to going deeper.

Since 2013 I have trained and coached hundreds of professionals through various leadership development programs, teams from different industries, executives, entrepreneurs, students, teachers, global NGO workers and attorneys to name a few.

Based on the research and science of excellence by Gallup, Strengths is powerful and effective.

Most Common Strengths Courses:

Introduction to Strengths

  • Strengths-Based Team Building

  • Strengths for Managers

  • Strengths-Based Leadership

  • Advanced Strengths with All 34 Reports

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Strengths Coaching Relationships

  • Coaching Plan per client’s goals, number of weeks, and for up to 3 close participants.

  • Top 5, Top 10, or All 34 Strengths access code

  • Gallup portal administration and reports

  • Pre-work assignment prior to each session

  • Coaching sessions of 90 minutes to 2 hours each

  • In person, telephone or video call

  • On call for client throughout relationship: texts & emails response in 24hrs& 2 business days, respectively.

  • Flexibility in scheduling sessions as needed

  • Post-coaching relationship feedback call.

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“Courses jump-start the Strengths journey for teams, and coaching relationships provide depth, continuation and sustainability.”

— Marisa Ortiz

What People Are Saying About Marisa

“Marisa Ortiz is very engaging, thoughtful and full of lots of helpful tips and ideas.”

— Human Rights NGO Client

“It was a very insightful training and I found myself going home and talking about all that I learned to my family.”

— Leadership Training participant